a bird perched on a limb of the tree by my windowの例文
perched on a tree
Later, people are taking pictures of Tweety, who is perched on a tree stump. About a foot tall, the eagle perched on a tree stump on the river bank, eyeing the water for prey. In this scen......

limb from limb
Thus Ganelon is torn limb from limb by four fiery horses. Perhaps any parent can understand the impulse to rip him limb from limb. The demons destroy the Buffybot by tearing it limb from l......

bird cherry tree
Working with Dr . Simon Leather, an entomologist at Imperial College London, he has observed aphids laying eggs on bird cherry trees in the fall.

bird and bird
He has written numerous papers on birds and bird-life. Monsters or rather gremlins, birds and bird men. His works became very popular and spread public interest in Danish birds and bird sp......

bird bird
The duet between Art Garfunkel's counter-tenor and Diana Krall's sultry whisper is welcomed by Moloney's morning-bird bird whistle. The lyrics fail to support the denouement of the drama a......

bird by bird
Just take it bird by bird . "' They waited, clipboards in hand, as a flock of pigeons descended, bird by bird. One of the more amusing is called " Bird by Bird, " by Anne Lamott. _From Lam......

blue bird micro bird
In 1975, Blue Bird introduced the Blue Bird Micro Bird. In the mid-1970s, the Wayne Busette and Blue Bird Micro Bird were introduced. The "'Blue Bird Micro Bird "'is a school bus produced ......

blue bird mini bird
The "'Blue Bird Mini Bird "'was a Type B school bus built by Blue Bird Corporation, introduced in 1977. Designed as a competitor for the Carpenter Cadet and Blue Bird Mini Bird, the Mighty......

Small flags were perched on the tall crowns of straw sombreros. Some trackers were perched among hills with binoculars inspecting the landscape. Bjork, napkin perched on head, said with a ......

perched aquifer
The Pleistocene terraces affected the development of Dallas, providing a rich alluvial soil and a perched aquifer, very useful indeed during the early years.

perched basin
Critical to the delta are spring ice-jam floods that play a critical role in refilling perched basins and wetlands outside of the permanently connected channels and lakes.

perched block
In his chapter on the Pennines, Trueman ( 1949, p . 169 ) wrote : " Particularly well known are the great perched blocks of dark grit which stand on the limestone platform at Norber near S......

perched boulder
There are also two smaller perched boulders found to the northeast of Tripod rock ( not shown on diagram ) that measure approximately 1 to 3 metres in diameter.

perched coastline
This has created evidence of perched coastlines all around the world. Perched coastlines can be created by higher sea levels in the past than today. This second kind of perched coastline i......

perched lake
Many of the perched lakes have no outflow or inflow which exacerbates the problem. It is a perched lake sitting on top of compact sand and vegetable matter above sea level. In total there ......

perched on
Small flags were perched on the tall crowns of straw sombreros. Bjork, napkin perched on head, said with a smile. A man, Atta Boamah, was perched on the cables. A gray Taurus station wagon......

perched water
There are often perched water tables underlying pocosins. This creates a perched water table above the gravel that helps keep the root zone moist during dry conditions. When there is a thi......

perched water level
This impermeable layer locally impedes drainage and creates perched water levels and causes the formation of vernal pools within the intermound depressions that are associated with Mima Mo......

perched water table
There are often perched water tables underlying pocosins. This creates a perched water table above the gravel that helps keep the root zone moist during dry conditions. When there is a thi......

precariously perched
Above the city loom whole neighborhoods of makeshift shanties precariously perched on hillsides. The remains of the aircraft are precariously perched atop the park's roller coaster. The he......

tree after tree
The explosion causes a chain reaction, which fells tree after tree. He climbed tree after tree, expertly scrambling barefoot up the branches. Tree after tree was uprooted on Big Coppitt. B......

abdominal limb
Females have smaller gnathopods . " L . minusculus " is distinguishable from other members of " Liropus " primarily from the shape of its torso and abdominal limbs.

absence of limb
If the cells ( coded for by this portion of DNA ) are very badly damaged this could result in an absence of limbs or organs.

acute limb ischaemia
Acute limb ischaemia can occur in patients through all age groups. Critical limb ischaemia is different from acute limb ischaemia. Acute limb ischaemia is caused by embolism or thrombosis,......

acute limb ischemia
Embolectomies are performed as limb-sparing techniques for arterial embolisms in acute limb ischemia. Clinical manifestations of acute limb ischemia ( which can be summarized as the "'" si......